A happy new normal

Encouraging news from my four-month checkup this week: no evidence of disease on my latest scan and everything is healing nicely. Phew. What a relief! Combined with favorable pathology results, this means that I will continue to hold off on radiation and keep it in reserve should I ever need…


Full I think is the best way to describe the four weeks since my last dispatch from Pittsburgh. I can't begin to cover it all. But the highlights are that for almost three of those weeks we've been back home in NC, I'm continuing…

No evidence of disease

I've reverted from post-surgical zombie and am very happy to report that so far everything has gone about as well as possible. Thankfully, my surgeons, Drs. Gardner and Snyderman, were able to completely remove my new tumor plus two other suspicious spots, which also turned out to be…

New tumor

I'm going to have surgery later this month to remove a small area of new tumor growth near the site of my original tumor. I'll report back when I'm through it. Meanwhile, here's more about the situation.…